By the time bibik woke us up....it was already too late to rescue the cars. But we managed to haul up small stuffs from living room to upstairs and of course, foods. We watched from my bedroom window as the water kept on rising steadily even though the rain has stopped. Cars alarm went off everywhere, including ours. Especially ours since we didn't know where was the battery for the merc was located. Our washing machine was floating merrily beside the floating fridge. I didn't want to think about repair/replacement cost now.
Thank God, my kids were pretty easy going. We did not have electricity for the whole day. Adam of course, wouldn't mind cold milk. Amri could eat honeystar/cococrunch straight from the box. That was the only good thing for having a lazy me for a mom....the kids had a laid back parenting style where travelling with a thermos was unheard of. In fact, the kids had a great time camping out in my room, wearing swimming trunk and eating biscuits and donated meehoon accompanied with mineral water. Even Adam was eating
more than usual.
By lunch time, hubby had to wade through a waist deep water to get food from the mosque. Thank you to kind hearted souls out there at TTDI Jaya Mosque who cooked our lunch. A boat from Bomba would also passed by from time to time to check whether we had enough to eat. In fact, we actually ate more than usual. Well...kind of storing enough calory to burn during cleaning up the next day :)
When the water receded to knee deep, I finally relented to the gazillionth pleading from the two boys to play in the murky water. Yuck! The were having a ball of a time. Splashing water all the way from living room to the gate. The boys spent a few hours in the teh tarik water and only reluctantly came out when I started to physically dragged them out of water and into bathroom. Well...gotta clean them up before it was too dark to see the dirt. The electricity was still out.
Nighttime came and again we ate donated dinner, fetched by Cu Nan, by the candlelight. The water has receded to ankle deep outside the house while inside the house, all that left were bloody patches of thick mud everywhere. The boys conked off, the earliest in history. Hubby and I sat amids the strewn sofa cushion and started to chat the night away. Then all the phones started to ring off the hook. Oh yeah! It was 8pm and we were in the news. Shocked families and friends sms/called with sympathy and offers to help. Some offered to pick us up to spend the night at their houses. Aren't you all sweet......:) Thanks Ninuk, Salina, Anisa, Nadia, Intan, Ayu and everybody. We appreciated the sms/calls and all the offers. Sure did entertained us for the whole day. Talking about the doom sure help to ease the pain of looking at our cars and furnitures.
Electricity was back by about 10pm and hubby immediately went to work on cleaning up. I, on the other hand, decided to sleep it off till tomorrow. Never in my life was i in hurry to clean up and certainly did not plan to start today.
Motor Cu Nan